A Funeral For Every Family And Every Budget
The loss of a loved one comes as a situation of immense grief and shock for family and friends. Often times, it can leave the family dealing with unforeseen economic crises, making the situation even more challenging. Our funeral undertakers at Cummings Funeral Home will listen to your needs with empathy and earnestness. We will help you make dignified funeral arrangements that suit your family values and fit your budget.

Available 24/7 Island-Wide To Help You In Your Time Of Need
Cummings Funeral Home offers full-service funeral arrangement solutions under one roof. We are the premium suppliers of coffins, caskets, graves, vaults and wreaths. We also provide hearses and family cars on the day of funeral which are available island-wide. Our kind and compassionate staff is here to assist you in planning a memorable celebration of life.

We Help You Go Through Difficult Times With Grace And Ease
At Cummings Funeral Home, we respect all faiths and traditions. We serve people from all walks of life with utmost care. It is our mission to organise a personalised funeral ceremony that not only brings people together to honour and celebrate the life of the deceased but also provides healing respite to grieving hearts.

Television Announcement
We help you share your loss with the community through custom-produced television announcements. Our attentive staff will coordinate responsibly to ensure that all the details are correctly presented.

Death Announcements
Obituaries are a perfect way to say “we miss you”. We help family and friends craft unforgettable obituaries honouring loved ones that are shared through both online and offline publications.

Although a time for mourning, funerals are also a ceremony where you cherish the memories of your loved ones. Our personalised funeral videography services will allow you to capture the day in reel.

Church Decoration
From exceptional floral displays to subtle decorations, we are equipped with optimal decoration resources and supplies to create an ideal setting in the church for funeral rites.

Embalming Service
Our professional embalming service allows you to take a perfect memorial picture of the deceased loved one. You can depend on us to do embalming with care, respect, and to our strict service standards.

If a loved one dies away from home either in a distant city or another country, our funeral experts are here to help you bring the loved one home. Trust us to take care of all the necessary arrangements on your behalf.

Funeral Undertaker Services
Whether you want a unique and personalised funeral or you choose a traditional memorial with burial, we provide end-to-end professional services to ensure a meaningful and proper tribute for your loved one.

Coffin Rental (Pre Cremation)
If you wish to use a coffin, we have a number of affordable rental solutions available that can save you major purchase expenses. Choose from our variety of beautiful coffins at fair rental prices.

Whether cremation was the choice of the deceased or it is your family tradition, we have a number of options and ideal locations to incinerate the body. From a simple cremation to a complete service, we do it all.
What We Offer
- ✓ Coffins
- ✓ Caskets
- ✓ Wreaths
- ✓ Graves
- ✓ Vaults
- ✓ Hearses
- ✓ Family Cars
- ✓ Nine Night Band
- ✓ Programmes
- ✓ Buttons
- ✓ Bookmarkers
- ✓ Grave Markers
- ✓ Head Stones
- ✓ T-Shirts
Location 1
Address: 22 Top Rd Browns Town, St Ann
Phone (876) 975-2094
Email [email protected]
Website www.cummingsfuneralhomeja.com
Location 2
Address: Morant Bay Road, Morant Bay St Thomas
Phone (876) 281-9169
Email [email protected]
Website www.cummingsfuneralhomeja.com
Contact Form